January 2021 Chance Update

January 2021 Chance Update

We hope everyone is having a great New Year so far! With a new year comes new energy, new motivation, and new board members. Firstly, we would like to thank all of our previous board of directors and members for all of their hard work and dedication to Chance Foundation, especially during these tough times:…

December 2020 Chance Update

December 2020 Chance Update

Year 2020 was fraught with unprecedented challenges across the globe. Yet, as we wrap up the year at Chance Foundation, we are simply overcome with a feeling of overwhelming gratitude. In midst of all the challenges, Chance family that includes all its donors, supporters, volunteers, board directors, board members, sponsors and partner organizations joined hands…

November 2020 Chance Update

November 2020 Chance Update

As the pandemic continues to rage through the world and anxiety weighs heavy on many fronts, Chance Foundation steps up its impact and determination to help children that are deeply impacted by these circumstances. Chance 2020 initiative has already raised about $15K and now presents many different options for you to engage and contribute. But…

August 2020 Chance Update

August 2020 Chance Update

Thanks to the generous support of our donors CHANCE 2020 in 2020 is off to a great start. Within a couple of weeks of launch, we have collected funds to support about 50 kids for a year. To reiterate, CHANCE foundation wants to support the education/health needs of at least 2020 underprivileged children in 2020…

COVID-19 Relief Fund

COVID-19 Relief Fund

With the recent surge in COIVD-19, we are witnessing a devastating human tragedy in India. The healthcare system is crumbling, causing widespread devastation and loss of life. Chance Foundation is working in the areas of masking and sanitization, oxygen alternatives, patient helpline, and patient financial support. Please help spread awareness by sharing this fundraiser with…

May 2020 Chance Update

May 2020 Chance Update

Thanks for your support of Chance Foundation. We appreciate your limitless generosity. By supporting CHANCE Foundation, you are supporting the vision that all children deserve a “Chance” for basic education, a healthy environment, and a bright future. We are constantly working towards our goal of a poverty free world. We understand it is a monumental…

April 2020 Chance Update

April 2020 Chance Update

We are in this together! Life around us has unexpectedly changed in more ways than one. As COVID-19 has become a global pandemic, communities around the world have gone into lockdown. Social distancing has become a part of our vocabulary and our lifestyle. Sitting in our homes, surrounded by our families, we have gained a…