Thank you Volunteers! Thank you Members! Thank you Organizers and above all THANK YOU all Participants and Supporters who joined the 2017 Walk For CHANCE at Purgatory Creek Park in Eden Prairie on Sep 24, 2017. It was beautiful fall morning that transformed to a glorious summer day. While our young and energetic CHANCE Teen Volunteers and dedicated CHANCE moms reached the venue in advance to make preparations, the participants started rolling in around 8:30 am. We were impressed and humbled by the turnout at the event. Everyone participated enthusiastically, had fun and raised funds to help the less privileged.
Chance Board would like to extend a special thanks to Oracle’s volunteer team for their participation. Special thanks to Madhuri Ganjam, who is also a Chance member for her help with T-shirt sales. The event would not have been possible without the guidance of several Chance members and well-wishers that assisted with venue booking and event execution. Thanks Arvind Gupta, Vaibhav Sathe and Taruna Sehgal! We are grateful for your time and commitment to the cause. A very warm thank you to our generous donors and sponsors that helped make this a successful fund-raiser. We appreciate the enthusiasm that “Bringing Life Home” team added to the event. A special call-out to our youth trio – Eeshna Nath, Aman Kohli and Stuti Arora who spent many hours working through the details of the event with exceptional support from other youth volunteers. Finally, we want to commend SalAsh Photography for yet again volunteering to capture the beautiful moments from the event. Thank you all for your dedication and hard work!