Sept 2017 CHANCE Update

Sept 2017 CHANCE Update

Thank you Volunteers! Thank you Members! Thank you Organizers and above all THANK YOU all Participants and Supporters who joined the 2017 Walk For CHANCE at Purgatory Creek Park in Eden Prairie on Sep 24, 2017. It was beautiful fall morning that transformed to a glorious summer day. While our young and energetic CHANCE Teen…

August 2017 CHANCE Update

August 2017 CHANCE Update

We had a great second Anniversary Celebration! Thank you for your participation in the event! As announced at the event, we welcome the new Office Bearers and Board Members! These members are devoted to giving all children a fair chance for basic education, healthy environment, and a bright future. This committed group organizes events, fund…

July 2017 CHANCE Update

In the U.S, July is a great month for taking a long needed vacation. In India, July brings great anticipation of rains and a new school year. Irrespective of what part of the world you are in, July tends to be a month of happenings and excitement. It is the same for Chance Foundation! CHANCE…